clickable hyperlink in canva

Have yous ever opened a PDF certificate such equally an ebook, workbook or guide, and you can click on the links in the certificate? Well, that's a Hyperlink. Wouldn't information technology be cool to add a hyperlink in Canva to your PDF pages and make them interactive?

Hyperlinks or clickable links in your PDF tin can serve as moneymakers, guides and even drive your readers to your sales page.

Imagine you are a service provider or a coach, and you want to add clickable links in your PDF, to drive your readers to your sales pages, offer page or Pricing pages. Y'all practise non demand any fancy tools!

You can hands add together your hyperlinks in Canva using a free or Pro Canva business relationship. Isn't this crawly?

There would be no need for actress tools, and yous become to relieve time equally you do everything on the go!

So, in this web log post, I volition show you how to add clickable links in Canva, and how to add electronic mail links in Canva, with simply elementary steps. I have included screenshots for each stride.

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How to Add a Hyperlink in Canva

Adding a hyperlink in Canva is easy-peasy! The first thing to practice is log in to your Canva business relationship.

Information technology could be a Canva gratuitous or Canva Pro business relationship (30-days free trial and explore stunning Canva Pro library).
Now, let's delve into the simple steps for adding clickable links in Canva;

Steps for Adding a Hyperlink in Canva

Dorsum in 2018, you can only add a hyperlink link to an entire textbox simply not to a single give-and-take in a text. Therefore, you cannot make a single discussion in a sentence clickable using Canva. It had to be the whole text box, sentence or paragraph.

Withal, with the contempo updates to Canva, you tin add clickable links anywhere in your PDF. It could exist a single word, a alphabetic character, or the whole sentence in a text box.

Also, you can add together clickable links to social media icons inside your PDF. Isn't that one heck of an comeback?

Click on the Design Element or Text in Canva

Step 1 |Click on the chemical element, text or text box that you want to brand clickable.

Click on the element, text or text box that you want to make clickable| hyperlink in canva

Step two | Navigate to the top right side of the toolbar, and click on the 3 dots abreast "furnishings".

Click on the "three dots", an extra toolbar will pop up. Now, click on the "link" icon.

how to add hyperlink in canva

Step iii| Paste your URL into the box. Information technology has a simple description only above it, "enter a link or search".

how to add hyperlink in canva

Step four |Striking the "enter" push on your keyboard and Viola! You have successfully added a hyperlink in Canva.

Footstep 5 | Download your design every bit a PDF (I recommend you choose the "PDF print" option for better quality).

And so, we've added hyperlinks to your text or elements in Canva. A common question I've seen is about adding a hyperlink or clickable link to images in Canva.

Calculation Hyperlinks to Images in Canva

You tin can make an image clickable in Canva just when y'all include the "image" in a PDF, Presentation, or Canva Websites document type in Canva.

But, you cannot add hyperlinks to PNG, JPGs or JPEG files in Canva (I.e. files or designs you will download as images). When you add a hyperlink to a JPG, PNG or JPEG, the hyperlink will not be clickable.

Steps to make an image clickable in Canva

Step one | Upload or add the image to your blueprint in the Canva Pattern Editor
Click on the image y'all want to make clickable.

Stride 2 | Navigate to the right side superlative toolbar in the Canva editor and click on the link icon
A box will pop up, paste your URL into the box.

Step 3 | Click the Enter on your keyboard to add the URL y'all pasted to the image.

Stride 4 | Download your pattern as a PDF or Presentation and exam the link to meet if it'south working.

How to Add Email Link (Mailto) in Canva

Calculation email links in a PDF is valuable if you want your audition to accept deportment like emailing y'all.

For case, You are a service-based entrepreneur, and you send a client pricing guide to your client and desire them to email you lot.

Add together a clickable link using Canva Mailto: function and your customer clicks on the link, and your email address will pop up. Your client can email you immediately. The clickable electronic mail link makes your PDF interactive.

Steps to Calculation a Clickable Electronic mail Link in Canva using Canva Mailto

Step ane | Highlight or click on the element, text or text box that yous want to make clickable.

How to Add Email Link (Mailto) in Canva

Step 2 | Refer to the top right side of the toolbar, and at present, click on the "Three dots" abreast "effects".

how to add hyperlink in canva

Step 3 | Click on the "3 dots", and a toolbar will pop upwardly. At present, click on the "link" icon.

Pace iv | Paste your URL into the box. It has a clarification just above it, "enter a link or search".
Add mailto: simply before your email accost without any infinite. For example,
Now click enter on your keyboard, and it volition save as a link. Download your design and test if your hyperlink is working.

How to Add Email Link (Mailto) in Canva

Pro Tips: When you paste your email address with the mailto: part in the URL box, Canva will recognize your e-mail and remove the mailto: at the starting time of your email address, kindly ignore this and go along.

Using Hyperlink in Canva Oft Asked Question

How to add a Hyperlink to JPEG in Canva

It is important to annotation that y'all tin add a hyperlink to an epitome in either JPEG, PNG, or JPG format in Canva (the prototype type doesn't matter).

But you can only add a clickable link to an image in Canva if you download the design as a PDF, Presentation slide, or Canva website. Therefore, you cannot make a Canva design you volition download as an image, clickable.

How to Add an Electronic mail Link to Canva

To make an electronic mail link in a PDF interactive in Canva. Y'all need to addmailto:before adding your email address in Canva, for an email link in a PDF interactive.

Copy and paste your URL to the Canva link editor, and it will tell yous, incorrect link, click enter on your keyboard and salvage. Go ahead and exam your clickable link.

If you demand a step-by-step guide on "how to add a clickable e-mail link in Canva", scroll up in this web log postal service, I have covered the steps you need to make your email link clickable in Canva.

Over to you now. Do you add hyperlinks in Canva to make your designs interactive? What are your all-time reasons for adding clickable links to your design in Canva?

More Canva Guides, Tips and Tricks for You

  • How to Remove Image Groundwork in Canva In ii Minutes (No Photoshop Required)
  • Canva Guide: 50+ Ultimate Canva Tips and Tricks for Meliorate Designs
  • How to Create Stunning Ebooks in Canva (+Free Templates)
  • 50+ All-time Cursive and Script Font on Canva for Eye-Tricky Designs
  • How to Upload Fonts to Canva Rapidly + Find Complimentary and Pro Custom Fonts
  • How to Create Unique Gift Guide for Your Blog (Free Templates)
  • 50+ Best Cursive and Script Font on Canva for Eye-Catchy Designs

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