
What Times What Equals 242

Factors of 121

Factors of 121 are the list of integers that we tin split evenly into 121. There are 3 factors of 121 of which 121 itself is the biggest gene and its positive factors are one, 11 and 121. The Prime Factors of 121 are 1, xi, 121 and its Factors in Pairs are (1, 121) and (11, 11).

  • Factors of 121: one, 11 and 121
  • Negative Factors of 121: -1, -11 and -121
  • Prime number Factors of 121: 11
  • Prime Factorization of 121: 11 × 11 = 11two
  • Sum of Factors of 121: 133

What are Factors of 121?

The factor of a number is that number that divides information technology completely i.e. leaving no remainder. In order to find the factors of the number 121, we will have to perform segmentation on 121 and find the numbers which divide 121 completely, leaving no remainders.

Finding factors of 121

How to Summate the Factors of 121?

There are ii mutual methods to find the factors of 121.

  1. Division method
  2. Prime factorization method

Let u.s.a. endeavor to find using the division method:

  • Nosotros start with the number 1, and so cheque for numbers 2, 3, iv, 5, half dozen, 7, etc up to 61( estimate one-half of 121) respectively.
  • The number i and the number itself would always be a factor of the given number.
  • Refer to the post-obit tabular array to cheque division 121 by its factors:
Carve up Result

121÷ 1

Gives remainder 0

Then, ane is a factor.

121 ÷ 11

Gives rest 0

So, 11 is a factor.

121 ÷ 121

Gives remainder 0

And then, 121 is a factor.

Hence, the factors of 121 are 1, 11 , and 121. Explore factors using illustrations and interactive examples:

  • Factors of 120: The factors of 120 are 1, 2 ,3, iv, 5, vi, viii,10,12,xv, xx, 24, 30, 60 and 120
  • Factors of 144: The factors of 144 are ane, 2, 3, 4, half dozen, 8, 9, 12, sixteen, eighteen, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 144.
  • Factors of 169: The factors of 169 are 1, xiii and 169
  • Factors of 33: The factors of 33 are 1,iii,11, and 33.
  • Factors of 81: The factors of 81 are 1, iii, 9, 27, and 81.

Tips and Tricks

  • Apply the divisibility rule of different prime factors to find the prime factorization of 121.
  • The prime factorization of 121 is xi × eleven or 11ii, then add 1 to the exponent. i.e. 2 + 1 = 3. We take 3 distinct factors of 121.

Factors of 121 past Prime Factorization

Prime factorization is expressing the number as the production of its prime factors.

  • Pace 1: Start dividing 121 from the smallest prime number i.e., ii, followed by iii, five, then on to notice the smallest prime factor of the number.
  • Step ii: After finding the smallest prime number factor of the number 121 i.east., 11, divide 121 past 11 to obtain the quotient 11.
  • Step 3: The obtained quotient is a prime number itself. The division procedure can thus exist terminated at this step.

And so, the Prime factorization of 121 is: 121 = 11 × eleven = 11two

Prime Factorization of 121

Factors of 121 in Pairs

  • Positive pair factors of 121 : (i,11), (11,11), (ane,121)
  • Negative pair factors of 121 : (-i, -11), (-11, -11), (-1, -121)

Of import Notes:

  • Just whole numbers and integers can be converted to factors.
  • Only composite numbers can have more than two factors.
  • The smallest cistron of a number is ane and the biggest factor of a number would be the number itself.

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FAQs on Factors of 121

What are the Factors of 121?

The factors of 121 are 1, 11, 121 and its negative factors are -1, -xi, -121.

What is the Sum of the Factors of 121?

Since all factors of 121 are i, 11, 121 therefore, the sum of its factors is ane + 11 + 121 = 133.

What is the Greatest Common Gene of 121 and 53?

The factors of 121 are 1, 11, 121 and the factors of 53 are 1, 53. 121 and 53 take simply ane common factor which is ane. This implies that 121 and 53 are co-prime.

Hence, the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 121 and 53 is i.

What are the Pair Factors of 121?

The pair factors of 121 are (1, 121), (xi, 11).

How Many Factors of 66 are also common to the Factors of 121?

Since the factors of 121 are 1, 11, 121, and the factors of 66 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 22, 33, 66.
Hence, [one, 11] are the common factors of 121 and 66.

What Times What Equals 242,


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